Queries and concerns

Inspirational Education


Senior Leadership Team:

Mrs Trudie Masterson, Principal, principal@baobabcollege.org

Mr Jon Turner, Vice Principal, vpacademic@baobabcollege.org

Mr Andrew Sikwanda, Finance Manager, financemanager@baobabcollege.org

For general enquiries and for appointments with the Vice Principal and Heads of School contact +260 966 876804

Front Office: +260 966 876804

Mrs Nkaka Nyalugwe, School Secretary, reception@baobabcollege.org

Mrs Catherine Mulenga, PA to the Principal, info@baobabcollege.org

Primary School queries:

Mrs Nicola Geldenhuys, Head of Primary, headofprimary@baobabcollege.org

Mrs Geldenhuys will address any concerns in the primary schools that cannot be handled by the class teacher.

Middle School  queries:

Mrs Alison Hulme, Head of Middle School, headofmiddle@baobabcollege.org

Mrs  Hulme  will address any concerns in the Middle Schools that cannot be handled by the class teacher.

Senior School queries:

Mrs Melanie Benzon, Head of Senior School, headofsenior@baobabcollege.org

Mrs Benzon will answer queries relating to the Senior School.


Ms Chalwe Chalupulapayments@sch.baobabcollege.org, Call/Whatsapp +260 760 689355

Parents may contact the finance team for any queries related to the payment of fees, school trips, any other payments, or to request a payment plan on the above.