The first steps that a child makes into the world of learning are crucial. At Baobab College our learning journey can begin at the tender age of two. We value, and place great importance on, these early stages of learning, providing quality of care and a wealth of experiences for our youngest students in a nurturing and enriching environment. They benefit from a rich and varied curriculum based on the British Early Years Foundation Stage framework which is blended together with our own unique experiences, skills and talents to offer a well-rounded and personalised education
Our ELC department offers a curriculum full of a variety of experiences to develop and stimulate enquiring minds through fun and explorative teaching techniques. Both planned and spontaneous play opportunities encourage our children to think, explore, test and reach conclusions. Our extensive grounds create a learning environment which extends beyond the classroom walls. Staff respond to each child’s individual emerging needs and interests, to support their growth and development through warm and positive interaction. Music, IT, swimming and PE are taught by specialist teachers.
Children are welcomed into our Musekese class in the term in which they turn two years of age, provided they have been potty-trained and are out of nappies. Our Sugar Bush and Mulberry Bush classes are for our pre-reception age children, who turn four within that year.
Children move up into Reception the year that they turn five. This time of transition is recognised as an important milestone in a child’s life where staff work closely with parents to establish a strong home/school partnership for the benefit of the individual child. Emphasis is placed on securing firm foundations in literacy and numeracy through a variety of teaching methods. Music, IT, French, swimming and PE are taught by specialist teaching staff.
Our Early Years programme places a strong emphasis on the well-being of our students, where the the social and emotional development of each child is of equal importance to their academic progress. By fostering a supportive and engaging learning environment, we provide a strong foundation for lifelong learning and success.