An international day and boarding school for ages 2-18 in Lusaka, Zambia
Together, for our community

Together, for our community

Together, for our community

Like many schools, Baobab has a committee made up of parents and teachers which form a body that organise events and raise funds. We feel that our PTC is a little different. Our informal motto is “school should be fun and so should PTC!”

Baobab’s PTC is there to support and build our community – one of the core values of Baobab College. Our PTC is a wonderful team of parents and teachers who come together to organise events, to meet together, and to have projects for the benefit of our kids and our community. When parents get involved in life at a school, it encourages our children to have a positive attitude to their school and their community.

Amongst our many events and projects last year we had our well-known annual fireworks, our first ever 'Family Fiesta' and planned a memorable surprise send off for our Principal Mrs Lamb.  

One of the key elements of our PTC is to raise funds for the ‘nice to haves’ for the children at Baobab.  The money raised last year was put towards play equipment for the whole school. Examples of this include a newly installed Key Stage 1 jungle gym (with another one on the way at the end of January for Key Stage 2), permanent table tennis tables and jenga sets for our Secondary School pupils.

All parents and teachers at Baobab are eligible to join the PTC and are encouraged to get involved. The Annual General Meeting will take place this Thursday 23rd January 2020 at 18:00hrs. It will allow for us to catch up after the Festive Break, report on 2019 as well as discuss our plans for 2020. The meeting will be followed by refreshments outside (weather permitting). All parents and teachers are invited and encouraged to get involved so why not come along and find out what we have in store for the year!

For more information on the PTC please speak to our PTC chairperson Pat or speak to our reception team on campus. 

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Together, for our community