An international day and boarding school for ages 2-18 in Lusaka, Zambia
An Interview With Primary Monitors

An Interview With Primary Monitors

An Interview With Primary Monitors
News Primary

A group of Year 6 students is selected each term to give leadership to our Primary children and to lend a helping hand in the playground. Here is an interview with this term's first group of monitors and house captains, to tell us about their role.

What have been your responsibilities as monitors and house captains?

‘I have to be a role model, to be responsible and to cheer people on.’
‘We have to lead by example by being neat and tidy and always wear the right uniform.’

What have you learned?

‘We have learned to take good care, to always be alert, to be understanding and always to show a good example to other people.’

Tell me about some of your daily tasks

‘We have a duty rota in the playground.’
‘We make sure that people are playing nicely.'
‘They have to line up quickly at the end of play time.’

Flickr album: Primary Monitors & House Captains | Height: auto | Theme: Default

What’s your favourite thing about being a monitor?

‘I like to give people advice. People listen to you when you are a monitor.’
‘I have learned that when people have an argument, you have to listen to both sides.’
‘I like it when the Year 3 & 4 children come to me for help to sort out their problems. I like to help them.’

What’s your advice for the next group of monitors?

‘Always be responsible, look neat and smart, have integrity and help your friends. Always show them good behaviour.’

Group 2 monitors will be announced at Primary assembly on Friday 11th October at 07:30hrs

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