An international day and boarding school for ages 2-18 in Lusaka, Zambia
Fundraising for Game Rangers International

Fundraising for Game Rangers International

Fundraising for Game Rangers International

My name is Breyten, I am a student of Baobab College.

I would like to make a diference to Wildlife Conservation, as I am sure many other people have the same passion. I would like to bring specific attention to Lilayi Elephant Orphanage. They rescue orphaned elephant calves that have lost their mothers due to poaching or have been separated from the herd.

Flickr album: Lilayi Elephant Orphanage Fundraising | Height: auto | Theme: Default

Myself and other cricketers from Lusaka, Mazabuka, Chisamba, ex-Baobab students, their siblings and their parents have organised a fundraising cricket tournament being held at Lusaka South Country Club on 30th November 2019. The fundraiser is aimed at bringing awareness to this cause and to raise funds for specialised food and formula that the orphaned elephants require.

I thank Baobab College for allowing me to use this platform to initiate some fundraising for the Lilayi Elephant Orphanage which is run by Game Rangers International. All assistance, big or small, will make a difference.

Please can you donate the specific food products that they use in the milk formula ie Jungle Oats Original and Future Life Original.

Thank you to all those helping this initiative and making a difference.

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Fundraising for Game Rangers International